

We have chosen these categories because they reflect how investors typically look for investments. They cover all major regions, sectors and markets. In each fund sector, except UK Smaller Companies and Specialist where there is not sufficient passive depth of field, we will have a winning actively managed and passive fund.

  1. Asian Equity - Active
  2. Asian Equity - Passive
  3. Bonds - Active
  4. Bonds - Passive
  5. Commodities/Resources - Active
  6. Commodities/Resources - Passive
  7. Emerging Markets Equity - Active
  8. Emerging Markets Equity - Passive
  9. Ethical/Sustainable - Active
  10. Ethical/Sustainable - Passive
  11. European Equity - Active
  12. European Equity - Passive
  13. Global Equity - Active
  14. Global Equity - Passive
  15. Income - Active
  16. Income - Passive
  17. Infrastructure - Active
  18. Infrastructure - Passive
  19. Japan Equity - Active
  20. Japan Equity - Passive
  21. North American Equity - Active
  22. North American Equity - Passive
  23. Property - Active
  24. Property - Passive
  25. Renewables - Active
  26. Renewables- Passive
  27. Specialist - Active
  28. Specialist - Passive
  29. Technology/Biotech - Active
  30. Technology/Biotech - Passive
  31. UK Equity - Active
  32. UK Equity - Passive
  33. UK Smaller Companies - Active
  34. Best Company for Shareholder Communication
  35. Income Company of the Year
  36. Growth Company of the Year
  37. AIM Company of the Year
  38. FTSE 250 Companies of the Year
  39. FTSE 100 Companies of the Year

Pick which type of investor you are: